She contrived to break down the barriers of shyness at last in one direction,
and talked one night of love and the facts of love with Miss Miniver. "
"I've no intention of stirring," replied the woollen-draper, who was thus
unceremoniously disturbed: "and I beg you'll sit down, Mr. In one grave, mind. But you
must leave us now, dear Winny, Jack and I have something to settle between
ourselves. This whole affair is truly my fault. "I'll soon settle this business. ”
“I’ll wait, then. "
"Never fear," replied Thames, taking up his hat. “I wonder would you mind seeing who
it is. Spurlock had better stick to the
bungalow. She is in the hall now.
This video was uploaded to on 03-09-2024 13:25:04